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President of Indonesia instructs his cabinet to support Scouting

Indonesian President H.E. Dr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono met with Scouts on 14th August 2009 at the Cibubur camping ground, east of Jakarta, to celebrate the National Scouts Day.

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Scouting amidst Kadayawan Festival in southern Philippines

As the city of Davao in the southern part of the Philippines celebrate the Kadayawan Festival -- an annual festival celebrating the gifts of nature and the wealth of culture - Scouts here marked the globally renowned festival with different Scouting activities.

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550 participants from 18 Arab nations call for peace during the 18th Arab Rover Moot.

Salalah-Oman August 2009 - Over 550 participants from 18 Arab nations have gathered together in Salalah under Scouting's umbrella. The occasion is this years 18th Arab Rover Moot that will be held from the 6-16th of August. The theme for this years Moot is “Calling For Peace”.

The program of the 18th Arab Rover Moot promises to be different from the previous Rover Moots in the region. Mr Khalid Al-Adi who is in charge of the Moot this year briefly gives us a picture of the various activities and a general overview of the site that has been developed for this year.

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11th CMC Logo

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Scouts Musulmans Algeriens participating in the Clean Up the World Campaign 2008.


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一、        緣起

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Bhutan Scouts Association mourns for the death of 3 Scouts

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Scouts called upon to focus on global warming, environment and drug abuse awareness

The Vice President of the Government of Maldives Dr. Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik has called upon Scouts to be active and to be more aware of global danger of climate change, environment and drug abuse as challenges for today’s youth.

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