Scouts called upon to focus on global warming, environment and drug abuse awareness
The Vice President of the Government of Maldives Dr. Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik has called upon Scouts to be active and to be more aware of global danger of climate change, environment and drug abuse as challenges for today’s youth.
He made the remarks in his opening address at the APR Workshop on Public Relations and Marketing held in Aarah in Maldives, an island just 2 km away from the international airport island, set aside mainly for the participants staying in the island. Sixteen countries were represented all across Asia Pacific Region with more than 50 participants. The opening ceremony of the workshop which is running from 1st to 4th August 2009, was attended by the Minister of Education Dr. Musthafa Luthufee and Scout Council members and Chief Commissioner Ahmed Ali Maniku who welcomed the participants. Shree Ram Lamichhane, Chairman of the APR Scouting Profile Sub-Committee, outlined the workshop details.
The workshop, following the regional plan on membership growth focused on identifying the importance of PR and marketing in creating the desired image and visibility of Scouting. It aims to recognize wider opportunities to promote Scouting through good practices and community involvement. It also seeks ways to develop PR and marketing network within and among national Scout organizations in the region. The workshop is supported by the Scouting Profile Sub-Committee members led by Chairman Shree Ram Lamichhane, Regional Scout Committee member Dr. Mukhyddin bin Sarwani. The workshop resource people include Sub-Committee members who are professionals in the area of public relations or in marketing led by Vice-Chairman Richard Miller, Brata Hardjosubroto and Alan Zulueta.
An external perspective of PR and marketing as adopted for the promotion of the tourism sector in Maldives as a product, in comparison to what Scouts can do, was presented by Mr Mohamed Maleeh Jamal, a local resource person. Recruitment and retention of young members and adults, reaching out to community and external partners were the other key topics covered in the workshop.
Participants took time of their programme to join the regional colleagues for the 5th APR Air and Internet Jamboree which was simultaneously running from 1st to 2nd August, co-ordinated by The Singapore Scout Association. Individual messages and group greetings were sent out from the specially set-up booth at the venue for the internet jamboree.
The workshop was supported by Regional Director Abdullah Rasheed and programme was looked after by Ms. Luz Taray of the Asia Pacific Region office with the direction of Mohamed Asim of the Scout Association of Maldives.