Competition to design a logo and slogan for the Year of Volunteering

“Let’s Slogo!”: The official competition for a logo and slogan for the European Year of Volunteering 2011 launched. The Alliance has launched today the “Let’s Slogo!” competition on to call for proposals for logos and slogans. This website will be available in 22 EU languages.

The European Commission has entrusted civil society organisations to run the competition to choose the official logo and slogan for the upcoming European Year of Volunteering 2011. An Alliance of 21 European networks active in volunteering welcomes this opportunity to mobilize citizens and to shape the visual identity of the Year 2011 and will run the competition. The European Commission has committed itself to use the winning proposals for the European Year’s communication activities.

20 proposals for logos and 20 proposals for slogans will be pre-selected and sent to an official jury organized by the European Commission in November 2009. The winners will be announced on December 16 at a conference organized by the European Commission in Brussels. Proposals for logos and slogans can be sent between 17 August until 18 September 2009. The general public as well as an online volunteers’ jury composed of volunteers active in the 21 networks will be able to vote on this website for the best proposals.

This is the first time citizens can shape the visual identity of a European Year – a great opportunity to be seized by participating in the competition.

During Roverway in Iceland, at the Althingi gathering (24-28 July), Scouts were already exercising their creativity and commitment to volunteering.

More than 100 young people already suggested either a logo or slogan, or both, expressing what volunteering means to them. Most of them are volunteers themselves either as leaders, in their community or in another organisation.

We believe that Scouts across Europe will seize this opportunity and will contribute their best.

More information:

Note to the press:

This Alliance includes the European Volunteer Centre (CEV), the Social Platform, the World Organisation of the Scouts Movement WOSM, the Red Cross/European Union Office, the European Youth Forum (YFJ), AGE - the European Older People's Platform, Caritas Europa, Volonteurope / CSV, SOLIDAR, the Confederation of European Senior Expert Services (CESES), the ENGAGE business network, Johanniter International, the European Association of Voluntary Service Organisations (AVSO), European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO and ENGSO Youth), the Euclid Network of Third Sector Leaders, Eurodiaconia, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts WAGGGS, CEDAG, the Conservation Volunteers Alliance (CVA) and the Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA).

Contact: Alix Masson, Director of External Relations and Funding, +32 2 534 33 15


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