Scouts Musulmans Algeriens participating in the Clean Up the World Campaign 2008.
International Youth Day - Scouting builds sustainability through education
Geneva, World Scout Bureau, 11 August 2009 – Every year, The United Nations celebrates the International Youth Day on the 12 of August. In 2009, the message of the intergovernmental organization is “Sustainability, our challenge, our future”. Three aspects of life are addressed by this essential question for the future of our planet and of humanity: the environment, society, and the economy.
World Scouting, economical and social council member of the United Nations since 1947, brings answers based on its mission which is “to educate young people to play an active role in society”. True to the vision of its founder, the Scout Movement imagines that no human development is possible without individuals who are engaged and take responsibility in provoking it.
Sustainable development is one of the main challenges of the world today. The relevancy of Lord Baden-Powell's last message also finds itself in the definition used by the United Nations that affirms that sustainable developpment “responds to current needs without compromising the future generations capacity to respond to their needs”. for Baden-Powell scouts must “ leave the world better than they found it”. It is for this reason that Scouting initiates youth to the discovery of the environment and to take advantage of its resources without endangering it or destroying it.
By applying the fundamental principles attached to the content of the Law and Promise, Scouts can answer the challenge put forth by the United Nations in order to build the future whilst respecting the environment and being involved in society.