Hong Kong Scouts help earthquake victims

The Scout Association of Hong Kong (SAHK) and the Youth Federation of Sichuan signed two agreements on 27th July 2009, related to assistance for the reconstruction of two youth facilities in the cities of Mianyang and Deyang and multi-year support for a training program targeting young people living in areas heavily affected by the massive May 2008 Sichuan earthquake claiming 69,000 lives, another 18,000 people missing and leaving 4.8 million people homeless.

The two projects are supported by the Hong Kong Government Sichuan reconstruction trust fund including the subsidized training program projected to reach an estimated 133,000 young people in earthquake-damaged towns and nearby places were approved upon the applications for funding submitted by TSAHK. The smaller Deyang project was approved in December 2008 and the larger Mianyang project was approved in June 2009. It was significant to note that among the numerous non-government organizations in Hong Kong that expressed interest in Sichuan reconstruction, the HKSA received the largest total funding allocations in the two rounds of applications.

Before the fall of 2011, Deyang and the Mianyang youth activities center and the youth and children’s places are expected to be completed. In the meantime, HKSA has already launched an active program of short-term exchange, service and training visits, targeting young people currently residing in temporary housing estates in the heavily quake-affected areas. Two such trips were organized in February and April 2009. More visits will take place towards the latter part of the year and also in the next two years. Learning from these short-term activities will be incorporated into the training program to be offered at the two reconstructed facilities.

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