Bangladesh organizes first English-speaking camp

Bangladesh Scouts organized for the first time an English-speaking Camp for Scouts and non-Scouts comprised of children and young people with special needs studying in private universities and English-speaking schools. The camp took place from the 9th to 12th June 2012 at the Rover Scout Training Centre in Gazipur, Bangladesh.

The English-speaking camp was one of the initiatives of Bangladesh Scouts to implement the “Extension Scouting” programme where Scouting is being introduced to young people with special needs. The camp applied special modifications on the method and activities. Participants of the camp were a mix of Scouts from regular troops and non-Scout participants (children and young people) with special needs.

The integration of young people with special needs in Scouting was the vision of the Founder of Scouting Baden-Powell to give chance to these people to have an active life using Scouting programs.

Although majority of the participants had no previous camping experience, they were able to finish and enjoy the activity given to them. In Bangladesh Scouts, the first committee meeting on extension Scouting and child healthcare was held in 1985 and the programme was introduced in 1988.

-- Md. Toufiq Ali, APR Honorary Correspondent, Bangladesh

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