Africa Regional Scout Conference elects new members to its committee for the 2015-18 triennium
The 16th Africa Scout Conference elected in four new members to the Africa Regional Scout Committee for the 2015-2018 triennium.
The newly elected members are
• Mathias Ochuna Wanyela (Kenya Scouts Association)
• Sanda Manohisoa Rasoamahenina (Scout Federation of Madagascar)
• Victor Babachuwe Atipaga (Ghana Scout Association)
• Winston Adams (Scouts South Africa)
They join the other Committee members comprising the new Regional Chairperson Dr. W. A. Davis (Ethiopia), the new Regional Vice-Chairperson Ayim Palamwe (Togo), Danielo Ramsamy (Mauritius) and Kikas Manuel Machado (Angola) to form the Africa Regional Scout Committee for the new triennium.
Together with the newly-elected Youth Advisors, the World Scout Bureau Africa Support Centre and the 1.5 million Scouts in the Africa region, the new Africa Regional Scout Committee will continue to drive Scouting to be “Africa’s Leading Social Force for Youth Empowerment” in the new triennium.
Congratulations and all the best!
Heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the outgoing Committee members comprising Mohamadou Bachir Diouf (Senegal), Jeanne Ebongue (Cameroon), and Ibrahima Cissé Rachid (Guinea) for all the great work done in the past triennium.