24th APR Scout Conference
Being the host country of the 24th APR Scout Conference on 24-29 November 2012, Bangladesh Scouts is extending its invitation to all National Scout Organizations around the world.
Below is preliminary information of the conference:
Dhaka Sheraton hotel, Dhaka City, Bangladesh
Scouting – Bridging the Gap
Delegates: Each member organization is entitled to send a maximum of six delegates. (Reference: Constitution and By-Laws of the WOSM/Asia-Pacific Region Article VII.1). All the NSOs are encouraged to abide by the conference resolution in sending at least one young adult member under 26 years of age to the 24th APR Scout Conference as part of the official delegation (Conference resolution 2/07:Youth Program.)
Observers: NSOs may send adequate number of Scout Leaders and youth members as observers.
Accompanying Persons: Spouses/friends are invited as accompanying persons to the delegates or observers for whom the Conference Host Committee will design a special programme for the conference duration. They are invited to all main ceremonies and social activities organized during the conference.
The conference registration will start beginning January 2012 up to July 2012. Registration forms will be available on the conference website <http://www.24aprsc.org > starting October 2011.
Registration Fee
Delegates and Observers US$ 300.00
Accompanying persons US$ 250.00
Youth Participants US$ 125.00
Registration fee will cover conference kit, all lunches during the conference, coffee break, conference souvenir, inland transport, welcome and farewell dinners, and educational tour.
Accommodation at Dhaka Sheraton hotel is available with king size, queen size and twin bedrooms. The cost of the rooms is still being negotiated with the hotel by the host organizing committee and will be communicated in due course. In addition to Dhaka Sheraton hotel, participants will also be able to select hotel accommodation ranging from luxury hotels to budget hotels in Dhaka City, near to the conference venue.
Ancillary Events
The APR Course for Leader Trainers on 15-21 November 2012, 7th APR Scout Youth Forum on 17-21 November 2012 and Chief Scout Executives Meet on 21 November 2012 will be organized as ancillary events to the Conference.
Official website
Conference Bulletins |
24th APRSC Bulletin No.1.pdf 5.55 MB
24th APRSC Bulletin No.2.pdf 1.75 MB
24th APRSC Bulletin No.3.pdf 1.24 MB