4th World Scout Inter-religious Symposium – Iksan, S. Korea 1st to 5th August, 2012

The 4th World Scout Inter-religious Symposium (WSIS) will be held from 1st to 5th August 2012 at WonKwang University, Iksan South Korea. This event will be jointly hosted by The Korea Scouts Association and Won-Buddhism Scouts Council (WBSC). It is organized by members of the World Scout Inter-religious Forum (WSIF), an informal network of religious groups/organizations in Scouting, and is supported by the World Scout Bureau.

The theme of this symposium is "Growing Scouting through Families and Communities"

Programme Activities

  • World Scout Inter-religious Forum: includes presentations, workshops,and discussions on how Scouting can grow in the context of families and religious communities.
  • Educational Tour
    • Visiting Korean historical and religious sites
    • Walking the interfaith path in Jeonju
  • Sightseeing
    • Traditional Korean village in Jeonju
    • Seoul city tour (after symposium)
  • Cultural Activities
    • Korean arts and crafts
  • Reception and meals with special guests and participants
  • Daily guided meditation sessions for settling into a peaceful mind
  • Programme available for children accompanying attendees during the symposium

Scouts, Scout leaders, and accompanying family and others.
Young adult Scouts are very much encouraged to attend.

Registration fee : €200 
This will cover accommodation and meals during the symposium as well as arranged transportation from/to the airport. Children 12 years old and under are admitted free.

Meditation retreat: 5th–7th August, 2012
A meditation retreat following the symposium will be offered. The participation fee is 50 US dollars. 
Meditation harmonizes and balances energy in our body and mind, cultivating a calm awareness of our true nature. This retreat includes silent meditation along with moving (taichi, kigong), sitting, walking, and spiritual discussion to find oneness in our nature. Give yourself the gift of rest in your true nature, leaving ordinary concerns behind.

Please take advantage of these benefits and join us in this wonderful event to help Scouting expand through interfaith communities worldwide!

Download the Registration Form.

Contact us for further information

E-mail : 
Rev. Cindy Chang kw86chang@hanmail.net
Rev. WonGong So wonbuddhismnc@gmail.com
Won Buddhism wonbuddhism.scout@gmail.com

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