Scouts of Haiti provide community service following cyclone destruction
Haiti has been severely affected by a wave of cyclones in the recent months, causing considerable human loses and property damage.
For more than one month, the Scouts of Haiti have played an active role in helping the victims of this natural disaster, just like they did in 2004 after the disaster of cyclone Jeanne.
These actions, which service the local community, are currently integrated into week-long Scout camps for Rovers and leaders, and are located across three sites that have been particularly affected by the catastrophe: Gonaïves, Cabaret and Chansolme. On the whole, more than 1,800 people from all over the country, have been involved in this project.
The Scouts of Haiti work in partnership with the office of civil protection, the town halls, the department of education, the firemen from Martinique, Kiro and the pastoral university and a variety of other NGOs. They have also received support from the local French Embassy (materials for building), from the World Food Program (food for the participants) and from UNICEF (drinking water).
The Scouts and Guides of France are actively involved in the coordination of these activities thanks to their on-site volunteer, and they have launched a fundraising campaign to buy a new truck to transport aide supplies. A badge 'Haiti solidarity' is currently for sale. For further information on this operation, click here.
To see more photos of the Scouts of Haiti in action, click here.