Scouts join in with Youth and Future Generations Day at UNFCCC COP 15
On Thursday 10th December the voices of young people around the world were heard at the UNFCCC COP 15 Conference. Youth and Future Generations Day was an opportunity for youth organizations to share their thoughts and ideas on climate change through a variety of actions, workshops and presentations. Scouting joined in this celebration of youth with a presentation explaining why Scouts are part of the solution to climate change. The presentation, given to a wide audience of conference participants, focused on showcasing what Scouts are doing all around the world to raise awareness of climate change and how Scouts are taking action to improve the environment.
The importance of youth involvement in the climate change debate is clear at the conference. There are young people present from all around the world. They are here to learn about the problem and the solutions and they are here to make sure the voice of youth organizations and young people is heard. This passion is acknowledged in the workshops, meetings and presentations, given by delegations and institutions, in which the importance of the youth voice is encouraged and supported.
The UNFCCC COP 15 Conference is a special opportunity for young people to learn more about climate change: the causes, the solutions and the challenges. It is also an opportunity for youth organizations to share with the world what they are doing