7th SAF Scout Friendship Camp showcases the best of South Asia
A total of 151 young people from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka camped together at the National Youth Complex in Haryana, India from 20th to 26th November 2009 for the 7th SAF Scout Friendship Camp.

This South Asian Friendship camp was hosted by the Bharat Scouts and Guides and it was opened by His Excellency Shri Rameshwwar Thakur, Governor of Madhya Pradesh and President of the Bharat Scouts & Guides with the lighting of traditional lamp. Shri Madanjeet Singh of the South Asia Foundation who has been sponsoring the travel of young people from all SAARC nations for several years visited the camp.
Considered to be the most interesting activity was the youth parliament where young people debated and exchanged their ideas based on the theme 「Peace and Solidarity.」

The participants from the South Asian countries showcased the uniqueness of their own culture through cultural exchanges, exhibits, friendship games and adventure activities which were used to create a greater awareness of the social and environmental situation of South Asian countries.
As part of their annual meeting, the Chief Commissioners from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka met on 21st November 2009 at the National Headquarters of Bharat Scouts & Guides in Delhi where Bangladesh turned-over the chairmanship of the sub-region to India and each country presented an update of their NSO's achievements and challenges.