- A “One scout one tree” plan will be launched in 27 April 2014 in Hsinchu city. This is not only an environment issue, but also a real action executing by a local community of scout group. Hsinchu Sunfun scout group will lead this project and take the action of planting trees in a private-owned farm called “Chien-Chia CSA farm”, with the feature of self-sufficient and chemical-free in a small community. The native trees of Taiwan, prepared by Sunfun scout group will be first considered to plant in the farm. The Chien-Chia farm volunteers will guide a short eco-visiting to the scouts and will introduce the concept of cultivation, energy production, making organic fertilizers and soil maintenance in the farm. More than 70 to 80 scouts and almost 10 Chien-Chia volunteers will join the tree planting project on 27 April 2014. The attendance age of scouts is from 5 to 18. The goals of this tree planting project are:
- 1) Scouts will understand and recognize the native trees of Taiwan, in particular the types commonly distribute in school, community, parks and villages.
- 2) Scouts will learn that how planting trees help the earth to reduce the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere; scouts will know why planting trees play the important role in the earth.
- 3) Scouts will learn from practice to plant trees, to take good care of trees, and to treasure the livings in their lives.