Updated News from Scouts in Japan
A letter from the International Commissioner of the Scout Association of Japan was recently received by the World Scout Bureau. In the letter, Mr. Kume provided some important update on the current situation of our brother and sister Scouts in Japan following the earthquake and tsunami, as well as the resulting damage to the nuclear power plant.
Mr. Kume confirmed some loss of Scouts and leaders in Miyagi Scout Council, as well as the evacuation of many others into temporary accommodations. All of the Scout Councils in the affected area were damaged and have lost their function. However, Scouts from those affected Councils are already out in the field trying to help others, even though they are themselves victims of the incident. Mr. Kume expressed gratitude for all the heartfelt messages of sympathy and condolence, as well as the many offers for help. At this time however, Japan is not at the stage of accepting volunteers from outside Japan.
Instead, if you would like to help, you are encouraged to make a donation to support the affected areas and the recovery activities. Scouts and Leaders in other areas of Japan have already started to collect money for this purpose.
Please find some images of the actions that Scouts are undertaking right now on SAJ's website.
To donate, please find the following information:
Bank Name: SWIFT Code: Account No: Beneficiary: Bank Address:
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Mitaka Branch BOTKJPJT 4001756 Scout Association of Japan
3-26-12, Shimorenjaku, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo 181-0013 JAPAN
Bank Draft and International Money Order payable to the Scout Association of Japan, by registered airmail, will be also acceptable.
SAJ's postal address is as follows:
4-11-10, Osawa, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo 181-0015 JAPAN
Credit card transactions will be announced later.
Please find the full text of the International Commissioner's Letter here.