International Training Course in France
Jambville, France; Representatives from 14 countries have come together in to participate in international training courses STIF, STAF and CHAM which began on the 25th of July and will run till the 2nd of August.
The courses organized by the French Scouts and Guides association (SGDF) in partnership with the World Scout Bureau, attract participants from Belgium, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Canada, Ivory Coast, Finland, Haiti, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mauritious, Portugal, Rwanda, Chad and Tunisia.
Aimed at executives in the scout movement and group leaders that have a global responsibility in matters of (“training” )the courses are integrated in the Summer University program, of the SGDF. 180 participants coming from all corners of France come to acquire innovative skills which they will then apply towards educating the youth in their respective countries.
The 25th of July was the beginning of a very rich exchange not only between the participants but also with the “Pionniers” (ages 14-17) who were also on site attending their national camp.
An international training course such as this has not been organized in France since 1997. The participants will return home having shared their best practices and having enriched their own knowledge in the subject of guiding and educating youth.
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