Eight NSOs in Asia Pacific Region receive Centenary Diploma
The 39th World Scout Conference began on Monday, 10th January 2011 in the Curitiba city of Brazil with over 900 participants from 130 countries. The gathering of the regional leaders of the Asia Pacific Region during the conference was chaired by 1st Vice Chairman Mr Prakorb Mukura where they discussed six major issues related to the conference program.
Apart from the Regional Scout Committee, the Chief Commissioners and heads of delegations had a briefing and discussion on the new WOSM fee policy, changes to the Constitution, adoption of a Vision and a Strategy for youth involvement, a new policy on Adults in Scouting to replace the earlier World Adult Resources Policy and a future scenario for World Scouting strategy.

Highlight of the opening session was the awarding of Centenary Diploma to 47 National Scout Organizations across the world who have celebrated their hundred years of Scouting. Among the 47 NSOs, eight of them are from the Asia Pacific. Respective Chief Commissioners or a representative received the diploma certificate, including Australia, Scouts of China, India, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Thailand.

The formal opening of the 39th World Scout Conference took place at the Estacao Convention Centre (ECC), Curitiba with a colourful programme attended by a galaxy of dignitaries including the Governor, Deputy Governor, mayor of the State and City of Curitiba among others. An official conference stamp was released for the occasion and the stamping was done at the opening ceremony where one of the famous Brazilian musicians and his orchestra performed to the delight of the participants and guests. The conference is being attended by 18 NSOs from the region numbering to over 170 participants.
Theme of the conference is Innovations and World Scouting which aims to develop leaders who are at the heart of the innovation process, by being able to identify problems and key challenges in Scouting, nurture ideas, guarantee the relevance and feasibility and implement the solutions with clarity and wisdom. Thus a number of innovations across 6 regions will be shared and discussed during the conference so that wise decisions can be taken to support the growth of the moment.