Message from Secretary General and Mid-Term Report to NSOs

As requested by Conference Resolution 10/08, a brief Mid-term Report on the implementation of the "WSC/WSB Triennial Plan for 2008-2011" has been sent to all NSOs via the month of May's ScoutPack. This report was accompanied by a personal message from Luc Panissod, Secretary General of WOSM.

In this communication, the Secretary General shares his ideas for the future, mentions some of the World Scout Bureau contributions to the development of Scouting and states his key objectives up to the next World Scout Conference in Brazil and beyond, such as:

  • Developping a customer-focused approach within the World Scout Bureau staff to better serve National Scout Organizations.
  • Providing assistance to NSOs to better identify their key priorities and needs, and help them respond to these needs.
  • Encouraging, facilitating and motivating qualitative and quantitative membership growth in our NSOs.
  • Better communicating Scouting stories inside and outside the Movement.

The Secretary General also shares his belief that the levels of competence within the World Organization need to be redefined. The world level should act as coordinator to identify needs from the Regions and NSOs, and help identify resources to respond to these needs. The regional level should develop consultancy competences to deliver expertise and support to NSOs. The national level assumes the responsibility of delivering and implementing Scouting.

We invite you to carefully read this report and its accompanying message. All your comments and ideas are welcome on our e-mail

Download report and message:

WOSM Secretary General's message and Mid Term report to NSO's


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