Design Your Law
Kandersteg International Scout Centre's first contest for creativity in Scouting!
Starting date: 1st May 2010
Closing date: 31st December 2010
As a Centre of World Scouting, we believe that we are in a unique position to share, fulfil the values and ideas of Baden-Powell. As a way of refreshing these beliefs we are looking for a unique international interpretation of the Scout Law to be shared with all those who experience the magic of the Kandersteg International Scout Center (KISC).
If you would like to be part of keeping B.-P.』s dream alive, then this is your chance! Join our contest to have the opportunity to share your creativity and perspective on the scout law. KISC is looking for groups or individuals to create a piece of artwork or concept which represents one of the ten points of the Scout Law.
So fulfill your Scouting potential and transform your vision of the Scout Law into art!
「Design Your Law」 is an open contest to Scouts and Guides from all over the world, with no age or creative limitations. You can participate, whether you are a Beaver or a Leader, whether you prefer to draw, knit, carve wood or you have your own unique technique.
For further information on participation, eligibility, categories, rules and prizes please use the links below: