Macau reviews Plan 2013
The Scout Association of Macau (SAM), with the support of Asia-Pacific Region, organized the National Strategic Planning Review Workshop from 8th to 12th April 2009.
A total of 16 participants comprised of Deputy Chief Commissioners, International Commissioner, Training Commissioner, Program Commissioner, Headquarters Commissioners, Group Leaders and young people, worked together and looked into the important areas of Scouting: Youth Program, Adult Resources, Organizational Development, WOSM full membership, Membership Growth and Scouting Profile, making it the priority areas for the 2009-2012
In this review, SAM targets to increase the membership to 3,500 by 2012, a 50% increase from the present SAM Scout membership. The conduct of the strategic plan is aligned to the action plan identified during the Committee NSO visit led by Regional Chairman Jejomar C Binay and Vice-Chairman Mohammed Ali Khalid, among others.
It is encouraging to note that most of the CNV recommendations are mostly applied in the newly designed strategic plan.
Representing the region was APR Director S Prassanna Shrivastava who facilitated the workshop.