German VCP Scouts Officially Open Nature Trail/Eco-Path and Canoe-Station
A Nature Trail/Eco-Path and a Canoe Station has been officially opened by the Association of Christian Guides and Scouts (VCP). The Nature Trail/Eco-Path is part of the ecological education programme offered by our camp site. This programme is being established on the four Scout centres of the RDP/RdP´s (German Scout Ring) member organisations. The project is financially supported by the World Organization of Scout Movement and the Alcoa Foundation.
The canoe station is part of a regional project called INTERREC-IIIC “Rural Waters – Tourism on and around the water”, which was initiated by the “Canoe Initiative Ruppiner Land”, to develop regional canoe tourism. The aim of the project is to establish an information system for canoeists throughout the nature reserve “Stechlin-Ruppiner Land”. The canoe station will also be available for use to the German Canoe Association.
When the Association of Christian Guides and Scouts (VCP) bought the grounds bordering the Pälitzsee in Brandenburg in 1998 and officially opened its national campsite “Bundeszeltplatz Großzerlang” there in 2000 many were enthusiastic, some however a bit sceptical.
It was obvious, however, that besides the already existing Castle “Burg Rieneck” in the Spessart (Bavaria), the association wanted another national centre to be situated in the eastern part of Germany. Since then the Camp Site has seen many camps of various sizes, including the VCP’s National Camp with 5000 participants.
Besides social engagement, internationality and the Gospel, active protection of the environment, and thus the preservation of creation, are the foundations of the VCP’s educational work.
To see more of the signboards erected at th VCP Campsite please see the attached file.